Make an Appointment: 907-987-6052 | [email protected]

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    Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people need a little help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, or any other issue, you should know there is hope for a better tomorrow.

    Why Outstretched Hands Counseling Center Tele-therapy? ¿Por qué outstretched Hands Counseling Center Tele-therapy

    1. Its Professional: Counselors are licensed, accredited professionals/Su Profesional: Los Consejeros

    2. It’s Affordable: You pay a low price per-session. Both Private pay and Credit Cards are acceptable forms of payments/It’s Affordable: You pay a low price per-session. Both Private pay and Credit Cards are acceptable forms of payments

    3. It’s Convenient: Sessions are on your time and at your own pace. Communicate as often as you and your therapist find appropriate and helpful. Sessions are secure video and can be done in the privacy of your home or other settings/ Es Las están en su tiempo y a su propio ritmo. Comuníquese con tanta frecuencia como usted y su terapeuta encuentren apropiado y útil. Las sesiones son de vídeo seguro y se pueden realizar en la privacidad de su hogar u otros ajustes.

    4. It’s Private: Outstretched Hands Counseling Center allows you to connect with them in full privacy. Our video software is encrypted to insure your privacy at all times/ Es Outstretched Hands Counseling Center con ellos en plena Nuestro software de vídeo está encriptado para asegurar su privacidad en todo momento.

    About Princilla Ursery

    Princilla Ursery is a fully Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Alaska and Michigan. She specializes in working with individual, children/adults, couples, and family from a Strength-Base and integrate many treatment modalities into her sessions based on the client’s needs. Ms. Ursery maintains a private practice in Detroit, MI, and Fairbanks, AK. She founded OSHCC in 2016 and has dedicated herself to the field of Mental Health.