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CAMS-Care (Suicide Prevention)

Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS)

What is CAMS?  

CAMS is an evidence based, suicide-focused treatment framework backed by 30 years of clinical research and 5 randomized controlled trials.

Proven Suicide Treatment Training

Beyond prevention, suicide risk is treatable. The CAMS Framework® focuses on treating “drivers” that make someone want to die – because we believe that everyone deserves a life worth living!

Why CAMS-care is Valuable

The CAMS Framework is built on a foundation of value, with the goal of enabling individual clinicians and entire organizations gain knowledge and experience affordably and quickly.

The Evidence Base-CAMS- Click here to see the research....

Do you have an urgent need?

OSHCC providers are not intended for use in urgent health situations. If you are in an urgent crisis needing immediate assistance, call 911 or reach out to National Suicide Prevention’s hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or .

Suicide Statistics & Trends

Rates of suicide are reaching unprecedented levels, affecting lives across the world. It’s our mission to drive change through training and organizational enablement. Learn more about current suicide statistics & trends below.

Icon Every 40 seconds someone in the world dies by suicide, yet very few clinicians are trained to work with suicidal people using evidence-based treatments.

Icon 800,000 individuals across the globe die by suicide each year, 48,000 of them in the USA.

Icon There are over 12 million adults in the United States with serious suicidal ideation each year.

Icon Funding for suicide research in 2018 was $68 million versus breast cancer research funding of $709 million.

Icon Suicide deaths have doubled over the last 50 years while every other leading cause of death has decreased.


Support and Help Are Available:

Prevention & Warning Signs You're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one support is available.
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Suicide Support, Treatment, and Resources You Are Not Alone. Support is Available. Support and Treatment Is Available.
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